Overview of Mathematics
Everything that was laid down two thousand years ago in mathematics, all the mathematical laws and theorems that were formulated by the famous mathematicians of those times are relevant at all times.
Until the beginning of the 17th century, mathematics was mainly concerned with numbers and relatively simple geometric figures. By this time it had divided into arithmetic and geometry, and a little later algebra and trigonometry were formed. But the development of mathematics did not stop there either.
Differential equations and various methods of solving them became an indispensable part of the world. And to this day, more and more new disciplines, such as mathematical logic, game theory, information theory, and many others, are distinguished from mathematics.
Mathematics, on the other hand, studies itself, so to speak, because it deals not with objects of the real world, but with their ideal (that is, abstract, generalized) models. But because of this, mathematics has not become an abstract science.
On the contrary, thanks to its universality, the laws of mathematics and solutions to mathematical problems are applicable in all fields of human activity. That is why mathematical methods are widely used nowadays in both natural sciences and humanities.
Why is Math important?
In our everyday life, we are so used to mathematics that we do not even notice that we use it all the time. After all, students still ask the question "Why do we need mathematics? Just to go to the store?".
So why do we study fractions, area, perimeter, and volume? Why do we need geometric information? Where does every person need mathematics in everyday life? And what happens if you do not know mathematics at all? It is necessary to consider all types of your activities and prove that you cannot do without elementary math skills in everyday life.
Math matters in everyday life.
Mathematics surrounds us everywhere. Thanks to it we solve many problems in everyday life. Few people thought that mathematics surrounds us from the first days of life.
With age, we solve more and more tasks: "How much food do I need to buy to last for a week? How much do I need to earn to save up for a summer cottage and a trip abroad? How much paint do I need to buy to paint the walls in my bedroom?"
At school we study mathematics from the first grade until graduation, then at university. Every year the course expands and becomes more in-depth, and more and more lessons are related to math and science subjects. In high school, we have algebra and geometry to replace mathematics. Our worldview expands. We can understand and see things that seemed incomprehensible to us before. Mathematical sciences develop our thinking and teach us to reason.
Thus, mathematics is one of the most important achievements of culture and civilization. Without it, the development of technology and knowledge of nature would be unthinkable! Well, you may say, suppose this exact science is extremely important for humanity as a whole, but why do I need it personally? What will it give me?
Let's look at how mathematics can be used in different areas. Below you will find the most common uses of mathematical knowledge in real life.
Today we do not know a single area of human activity that does not require mathematics. Without it, no new discovery, no invention works, no enterprise or government functions, hence the range of all those areas where mathematics is needed is quite broad.
But what are the advantages of this science?
Let's summarize:1. Mathematics develops thinking.
2. High-level math classes train memory.
3. Math builds character.
4. Math helps with music.
5. Math helps you excel in the humanities.
6. Mathematics develops skills for solving everyday problems.
7. Mathematics - the basis of a successful career.
8. Solving math problems develop psychological resilience.
These, of course, are not all the reasons to do math and other sciences in general. Science is an integral part of any person's development and activities just as much as friendship, family, sports, health, work, and so on.
The golden rule - everything is good in moderation, the destiny of a harmoniously developed mind, universality at the most basic level! All together, books, and mathematics! In your specialization, you must be a professional and a narrow specialist, an expert in your business. But as for your basic erudition and knowledge, there should be a little bit of everything.
Why is Math Important for Students?
According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, adolescents who stopped studying mathematics showed greater problems compared to their peers who continued to study mathematics in terms of brain development and cognitive function.
So basic math skills are associated with a number of benefits, including employment, socioeconomic status, and mental and physical health. Adolescence is an important period in life that is associated with important changes in the brain and cognitive function. Unfortunately, the possibility of dropping out of mathematics at this age seems to lead to a gap between adolescents who drop out of mathematics compared to those who continue.
If 10-15 years ago learning foreign languages was considered promising, now fluency in several languages is not surprising. Now professional demand largely depends on the understanding of technology, the ability to think abstractly, and the ability to solve non-standard problems.
How to Prepare for the Final Exam
Any exam is always an extreme situation that goes hand in hand with tension and excitement. That is why acquaintance with information from the field of stress psychology and ways to relieve internal tension will certainly give you a self-help tool during the preparation and passing of exams.
Absolutely all people without exception can control their behavior in a stressful situation. Accordingly, you, preparing for or passing an exam, will be able to cope with your anxiety and tension, provided you become a skilled user of this self-help tool. It is important to clearly understand that a lot depends only on you.
But where to start preparing? With the simplest! Tell yourself - I know! After all, you know something. Determine what is easy for you, what is worth repeating, and what needs to be learned. And the following life hacks will help you organize effective work:
1. Arrange a comfortable workplace and remove all unnecessary things, especially gadgets. This will allow you to focus on learning and eliminate the temptation to look at social networks or check;
2. Don't look for answers on the Internet. And do not buy a lot of books and manuals. It is better to limit yourself to a textbook, notes, and a quality reference book;
3. Work without a calculator. The skill of quick counting will allow you to allocate more time for solving complex problems and checking answers;
4. Read the tasks carefully. Correct understanding of the content of the task will save you from many small mistakes;
5. Prepare together with your companion. Joint performance of test tasks will help not only to better understand and remember the method of solution but also to relieve psychological stress;
6. Try to enroll in online courses. Thanks to them, you can repeat complex elementary math topics and learn more than the program provides.
7. Have a rest. Adherence to the regime walks in the fresh air, favorite hobbies, and communication with friends is a prerequisite for successful preparation.
Interesting conclusions follow from our advice: good preparation is not only hundreds of hours of study and friendship with piles of textbooks but, first of all, friendship with rest, a good mood, and proper self-organization.
Many people are afraid of exams, but it is possible to pass them. The main thing is not to panic, clearly define the program and methodically, in small steps, move towards the goal every day.
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